Last updated: 15 June 2024

This blog

I used to blog on another platform and currently I'm moving old blog posts onto here. As my thoughts have changed, I'm editing what I've written before sharing it so I'm taking my time but we're going smoothly!

Month 5 of movement training

By movement training I refer to exercises taught from the perspective of Ido Portal. I'm receiving programming from a 3rd generation student of Ido's. My weekly programme looks like:

My strength improvement has been super steady, the handstands have been a struggle and locomotion has been most interesting.

Reading the latest Hunger Games book in Spanish

I'm not going to lie, it's not easy but at least my kindle helps me look up some words up faster.

Exploring prayer

Recently I've been praying in this way:

Finishing up self authoring

I started the self authoring programme nearly a year ago and took a break from it because I found writing about my past too intense. I'm convinced of it's benefits so I'm pushing to finish it now.