How I journal

I've always enjoyed hearing how people journal. So with the hope of sharing a bit of joy, here's my approach:

  1. Open laptop

  2. Open Obsidian and click button that says: Open today's daily note

    An inviting blank page pops up with the title being today's date.

  3. Write whatever comes to mind

    I'm often describing recent events, exploring solutions to problems or just reflecting on the edge of where my thoughts can go.

    Looking back over the past 4 months, I'm writing about 8 times per month and each note is about 100-600 words.

    When I write in a daily note more than once during the day, I insert a horizontal line.

I'm quite happy with how easy it is to begin writing under this approach. It's just a few clicks and I'm typing away. This lets me write more than I would otherwise which ends up resulting in future blog posts. Woo!

How do you journal? Feel free to let me know at
