Goodbye intense movement training

After about 5 months of training 4-5 times per week under a movement trainer's monthly programming, I'm leaving.

It's in these moments of transition that I can wonder whether I'm spiralling away from my goals, which begs the question - what was my goal here?

I'll tell you, it was to experience what's it like to be exploring this training style and I've achieved that.

Plus, a bunch of good stuff has come from, and continues to come from, training over those 5 months. I've broken through plateaus and limitations in the goals I set for myself and more.

On top of that, the way I exercise now, although less regularly, continues in a style that is heavily influenced by the programming style I received. I'm quietly confident that it's these effects that'll benefit me years down the track as small tweaks now in how I train 2 hours per week can go a long way. I'll write more on what aspects of the programming stay with me another time.

In summary, I consider this exploration a worthwhile venture.